never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase      #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
    4 {-|
    5 Description : Brainfuck compilation to IR
    6 Copyright   : (c) Sebastian Galkin, 2018
    7 License     : GPL-3
    9 In this module we:
   11     - Convert 'Text' into a Brainfuck intermediate representation (IR) consisting of lists of 'Op's.
   12     - Provide optimization rules to speed up IR execution.
   13     - Parse compiler command line options
   14 -}
   15 module HBF.Compiler
   16   ( module HBF.Compiler
   17   -- * Reexport from "BFP.Parser"
   18   , BFP.ParseError
   19   ) where
   21 import           Control.Monad             (when)
   22 import           Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (State, execState, get, modify, put)
   23 import qualified Data.Binary               as B
   24 import           Data.ByteString.Lazy      (ByteString)
   25 import           Data.Coerce               (coerce)
   26 import           Data.Foldable             (traverse_)
   27 import           Data.Functor.Identity     (Identity)
   28 import           Data.Maybe                (fromMaybe)
   29 import           Data.Semigroup            (Semigroup (..), (<>))
   30 import           Data.Text.Lazy            (Text)
   31 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO         as TIO
   32 import           Data.Tuple                (swap)
   33 import           Options.Applicative       (Parser, ParserInfo, ParserResult,
   34                                             argument, defaultPrefs,
   35                                             execParserPure, fullDesc,
   36                                             handleParseResult, header, help,
   37                                             helper, info, long, metavar, option,
   38                                             optional, progDesc, short, str,
   39                                             switch, (<**>))
   40 import           System.Environment        (getArgs)
   41 import           System.FilePath           ((-<.>))
   42 import qualified Text.Parsec               as Parsec
   43 import           Text.Parsec.Pos           (initialPos)
   45 import qualified HBF.Parser                as BFP
   46 import           HBF.Types
   48 -- * Compilation
   49 -- | Encode the compiled file into the given path.
   50 saveCompilerOutput :: Program Optimized -> FilePath -> IO ()
   51 saveCompilerOutput = flip B.encodeFile . instructions
   53 -- | Use the given 'CompilerOptions' to parse, compile and optimize the text representation of a
   54 -- Brainfuck program into the IR. 'cOptsSource' and 'cOptsOut' in the compiler options are ignored.
   55 inMemoryCompile ::
   56      CompilerOptions
   57   -> Text
   58   -> Either BFP.ParseError (Program Optimized, CompilationSummary)
   59 inMemoryCompile opts code =
   60   (\p -> (p, summarizeCompilation p)) . optimize opts <$> BFP.parseProgram code
   62 -- | Compilation summary for the user. It contains overview information and
   63 -- statistics about the compilation result.
   64 newtype CompilationSummary = CompilationSummary
   65   { compNumInstructions :: Int
   66   } deriving (Show)
   68 -- | Summarize a compiled program creating the 'CompilationSummary'
   69 summarizeCompilation :: Program Optimized -> CompilationSummary
   70 summarizeCompilation = CompilationSummary . length . instructions
   72 -- | Use 'CompilerOptions' to read, compile, optimize, and save a program from/to the filesystem.
   73 -- Input and output files are provided by 'cOptsSource' and 'cOptsOut'.
   74 compile :: CompilerOptions -> IO (Either BFP.ParseError CompilationSummary)
   75 compile opts@CompilerOptions {..} = do
   76   when cOptsVerbose $ do
   77     putStrLn "Compiler options:"
   78     print opts
   79   compileResult <- inMemoryCompile opts <$> TIO.readFile cOptsSource
   80   either
   81     (return . Left)
   82     (\p -> save p >> (return . Right . snd) p)
   83     compileResult
   84   where
   85     outPath = fromMaybe (cOptsSource -<.> "bfc") cOptsOut
   86     save (program, _) = saveCompilerOutput program outPath
   88 -- | Apply optimizations to the 'Unoptimized' program turning. The optimizations that
   89 -- will be available are the ones specified by the 'CompilerOptions' given.
   90 optimize :: CompilerOptions -> Program Unoptimized -> Program Optimized
   91 optimize CompilerOptions {..} p = foldl (flip ($)) base optimizations
   92   where
   93     base = toIR p
   94     opt condition f =
   95       if condition
   96         then f
   97         else id
   98     optimizations =
   99       [ opt cOptsClearLoopOptimization clearOpt
  100       , opt cOptsMulOptimization mulOpt
  101       , opt cOptsScanOptimization scanOpt
  102       , opt cOptsOffsetInstructionsOptimization offsetInstructionOpt
  103       , opt cOptsFusionOptimization fusionOpt
  104       ]
  106 -- | Given a parsed program, turn it into an optimized one, but with the null optimization.
  107 -- Effectively this is only a type change.
  108 toIR :: Program Unoptimized -> Program Optimized
  109 toIR = coerce
  111 -- * Optimization
  112 -- | Helper type to apply the Fuse optimization using a 'Monoid'.
  113 newtype FusedProgram = Fused
  114   { unfused :: Program Optimized
  115   } deriving (Show)
  117 -- | This 'Semigroup' for 'FusedProgram' does all the fusion optimization work.
  118 -- When two contiguous optimizations can be fused into one, '<>' will reduce the
  119 -- size of the list in the 'FusedProgram'.
  120 --
  121 -- Examples of fusable operations:
  122 --
  123 --    - (Inc a offset) (Inc b offset) -> (Inc (a+b) offset)
  124 --    - (Move 3 offset) (Move (-3) offset) -> NoOp
  125 --    - (Clear offset) (Clear offset) -> Clear offset
  126 --    - (Scan Up offset) (Scan _ offset') -> Scan Up offset
  127 instance Semigroup FusedProgram where
  128   Fused (Program p1) <> Fused (Program p2) = Fused $ Program $ fuse p1 p2
  129     where
  130       fuse :: [Op] -> [Op] -> [Op]
  131       fuse [] ops           = ops
  132       fuse ops []           = ops
  133       fuse [op1] (op2:more) = join op1 op2 ++ more
  134       fuse (op1:more) ops2  = op1 : fuse more ops2
  135       join :: Op -> Op -> [Op]
  136       join (Inc a n) (Inc b m)
  137         | n == m = ifNotZero (flip Inc n) $ a + b
  138       join (Move a) (Move b) = ifNotZero Move $ a + b
  139       join (In a n) (In b m)
  140         | n == m = ifNotZero (flip In n) $ a + b
  141       join (Out a n) (Out b m)
  142         | n == m = ifNotZero (flip Out n) $ a + b
  143       join (Clear n) (Clear m)
  144         | n == m = [Clear n]
  145       -- once a scan is found, another one won't move the pointer
  146       join (Scan Up o1) (Scan _ o2)
  147         | o1 == o2 = [Scan Up o1]
  148       join (Scan Down o1) (Scan _ o2)
  149         | o1 == o2 = [Scan Down o1]
  150       join a b = [a, b]
  151       ifNotZero f n = [f n | n /= 0]
  153 -- | Use the 'Semigroup' instance and an empty program as 'mempty'.
  154 instance Monoid FusedProgram where
  155   mempty = Fused mempty
  156   mappend = (<>)
  158 -- | Apply the fusion optimization using the 'FusedProgram' 'Monoid' instance.
  159 --
  160 -- The fusion optimization consist of turning multiple instructions into one. For example
  161 -- if the original Brainfuck code contains '++++', this would be parsed as
  162 --
  163 -- @
  164 --'Program' ['Inc' 1 0, 'Inc' 1 0, 'Inc' 1 0, 'Inc' 1 0]
  165 -- @
  166 --
  167 -- but it would be fused to a single IR instruction: @Inc 4 0@.
  168 --
  169 -- >>> fusionOpt $ Program [Inc 1 0, Inc 1 0, Inc 1 0, Inc 1 0]
  170 -- [Inc 4 0]
  171 --
  172 -- Similarly, other instructions,
  173 -- like 'Move', 'In', 'Out', 'Clear' and 'Scan' can be fused as long as the offset at which they
  174 -- must be applied is the same.
  175 --
  176 -- Non fusable operation remain unchanged:
  177 --
  178 -- >>> fusionOpt $ Program [Inc 1 0, Inc 1 1]
  179 -- [Inc 1 0,Inc 1 1]
  180 fusionOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
  181 fusionOpt = unfused . foldMap (Fused . Program . optimizeIn) . instructions
  182   where
  183     optimizeIn (Loop as) = [Loop inner | not (null inner)]
  184       where
  185         inner = instructions $ fusionOpt $ Program as
  186     optimizeIn other = [other]
  188 -- | Helper function used to implement optimizations
  189 -- Iterate over all 'Program' instructions searching for 'Loop's. For each 'Loop'
  190 -- apply 'f'. If 'f' returns a list of new operations, replace the original loop with
  191 -- the new instructions. If 'f' returns 'Nothing', process recursively the loop instructions.
  192 liftLoop :: ([Op] -> Maybe [Op]) -> Program o -> Program o
  193 liftLoop f = Program . (>>= g) . instructions
  194   where
  195     g :: Op -> [Op]
  196     g (Loop ops) =
  197       fromMaybe ((: []) . Loop . instructions . liftLoop f $ Program ops) $
  198       f ops
  199     g other = [other]
  201 -- | Basic optimization that turns the loop @[-]@ into a single instruction 'Clear'.
  202 -- Useful because clearing a memory position is a pretty common operation in Brainfuck and
  203 -- very expensive if treated as a loop.
  204 --
  205 -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  206 -- >>> Right (res, _) = inMemoryCompile defaultCompilerOptions "[-]"
  207 -- >>> res
  208 -- [Clear 0]
  209 clearOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
  210 clearOpt = liftLoop onLoops
  211   where
  212     onLoops :: [Op] -> Maybe [Op]
  213     onLoops [Inc (-1) 0] = Just [Clear 0]
  214     onLoops _            = Nothing
  216 -- | Copy and multiply optimization. A very common usage of loops is to copy the value of a memory
  217 -- position to a different: @[->>+<<]@ this will move the contents of the current memory position
  218 -- to places to the right, also clearing the original position to zero. If we change the number of @+@
  219 -- operations we get multiplication, if we have several groups of @++..@ operations we get multiple copies.
  220 -- In the general case, for example:
  221 --
  222 -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  223 -- >>> Right (res, _) = inMemoryCompile defaultCompilerOptions "[->+>++>++++<<<]"
  224 -- >>> res
  225 -- [Mul 1 0 1,Mul 2 0 2,Mul 4 0 3,Clear 0]
  226 --
  227 -- The original Brainfuck copies the current position one place to the right, doubles
  228 -- the current position two places to the right, and quadruples the current position three places to the right;
  229 -- finally zeroing the current position. With the mul optimization in this function, all that loop would be
  230 -- replaced by 4 instructions.
  231 mulOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
  232 mulOpt = liftLoop onLoops
  233   where
  234     onLoops :: [Op] -> Maybe [Op]
  235     onLoops ops = makeOp <$> eitherToMaybe (Parsec.parse mulP "" ops)
  236       where
  237         makeOp :: [(MulFactor, MemOffset)] -> [Op]
  238         makeOp = (++ [Clear 0]) . snd . foldl it (0, [])
  239           where
  240             it (totalOff, res) (fact, off) =
  241               (totalOff + off, res ++ [Mul fact 0 (off + totalOff)]) -- todo very inefficient  foldr
  243 -- | Implement the scan optimization. Another common operation in Brainfuck is to search for the first zero
  244 -- in the neighboring memory, either to the right or to the left @[>]@ or @[<]@. These loops can be replaced
  245 -- for a more optimal search, represented as a single @'Scan' 'Up'@ or @'Scan' 'Down'@ instruction.
  246 --
  247 -- >>> scanOpt $ Program [Loop [Move 1]]
  248 -- [Scan Up 0]
  249 scanOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
  250 scanOpt = liftLoop onLoops
  251   where
  252     onLoops :: [Op] -> Maybe [Op]
  253     onLoops [Move 1]    = Just [Scan Up 0]
  254     onLoops [Move (-1)] = Just [Scan Down 0]
  255     onLoops _           = Nothing
  257 -- | Helper datastructure to implement a stateful transformation in 'offsetInstructionOpt'.
  258 data OffsetState = OffSt
  259   { stOptimized :: [Op] -- ^ The optimized program so far
  260   , stBatch     :: [Op] -- ^ The current batch of instructions being optimized (between loops)
  261   , stOffset    :: MemOffset -- ^ The current offset since the last loop
  262   } deriving (Show)
  264 -- | Start state for 'offsetInstructionOpt'.
  265 emptyState :: OffsetState
  266 emptyState = OffSt [] [] 0
  268 -- | Implement the offset instruction optimization. This is probably the most complex
  269 -- optimization implemented in the library.
  270 --
  271 -- In streams of instructions between loops, there is no need to keep updating the current position
  272 -- if we can keep track of where the different operations should be applied. This is a trade-off
  273 -- of time (not updating the pointer) by space (keeping track of the offset in every operation).
  274 -- For example the following unoptimized code
  275 --
  276 --
  277 -- >>> offsetInstructionOpt  $ Program [Loop [], Move 1, Inc 1 0, Move 2, Clear 0, Mul 2 0 1, Loop []]
  278 -- [Loop [],Inc 1 1,Clear 3,Mul 2 3 1,Move 3,Loop []]
  279 --
  280 -- And the optimization eliminated one 'Move' instruction. In general, for larger programs the gain
  281 -- will be more noticeable.
  282 --
  283 -- An important detail to take into account is that 'Scan' operations break the stream of operations
  284 -- that can be optimized together, and turn the accumulated offset back to zero:
  285 --
  286 -- >>> offsetInstructionOpt  $ Program [Loop [], Move 1, Inc 1 0, Scan Up 0, Inc 0 2, Loop []]
  287 -- [Loop [],Inc 1 1,Scan Up 1,Inc 0 2,Loop []]
  288 offsetInstructionOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
  289 offsetInstructionOpt -- We implement this as a stateful computation for code clarity
  290  =
  291   Program .
  292   stOptimized .
  293   (`execState` emptyState) .
  294   (*> finishLastBatch) . traverse_ processOp . instructions
  295   where
  296     processOp :: Op -> State OffsetState ()
  297     processOp (Loop l) = do
  298       let newLoop = Loop (instructions $ offsetInstructionOpt (Program l))
  299       finishBatch
  300       modify $ \s@OffSt {..} -> s {stOptimized = newLoop : stOptimized}
  301     processOp (Move n) = get >>= \s -> put s {stOffset = stOffset s + n}
  302     processOp (Inc n off) = add off (Inc n)
  303     processOp (In n off) = add off (In n)
  304     processOp (Out n off) = add off (Out n)
  305     processOp (Clear off) = add off Clear
  306     processOp (Mul factor from to) = add from (\o -> Mul factor o to)
  307     processOp (Scan d off) = do
  308       OffSt {..} <- get
  309       put
  310         OffSt
  311           { stOffset = 0
  312           , stOptimized = stOptimized
  313           , stBatch = Scan d (off + stOffset) : stBatch
  314           }
  315     add :: MemOffset -> (MemOffset -> Op) -> State OffsetState ()
  316     add off op =
  317       get >>= \s@OffSt {..} -> put s {stBatch = op (off + stOffset) : stBatch}
  318     finishBatch :: State OffsetState ()
  319     finishBatch = do
  320       s@OffSt {..} <- get
  321       let batch =
  322             if stOffset /= 0
  323               then Move stOffset : stBatch
  324               else stBatch
  325       put s {stBatch = [], stOffset = 0, stOptimized = batch ++ stOptimized}
  326     finishLastBatch :: State OffsetState ()
  327     finishLastBatch = do
  328       finishBatch
  329       modify $ \s@OffSt {..} -> s {stOptimized = reverse stOptimized}
  331 -- * Loading Compiled Code
  332 -- | Load a compiled program from 'saveCompilerOutput' output.
  333 load :: ByteString -> Program Optimized
  334 load = B.decode
  336 -- | Load a compiled program saved with 'saveCompilerOutput'.
  337 loadFile :: FilePath -> IO (Program Optimized)
  338 loadFile = B.decodeFile
  340 -- * Compiler Flags
  341 -- | Command line flags to the Brainfuck compiler
  342 data CompilerOptions = CompilerOptions
  343   { cOptsOut                            :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Where to put the compiled output, if 'Nothing' use the input basename with bfc extension
  344   , cOptsFusionOptimization             :: Bool -- ^ Enable fusion optimization
  345   , cOptsClearLoopOptimization          :: Bool -- ^ Enable clear loop optimization
  346   , cOptsMulOptimization                :: Bool -- ^ Enable mul loop optimization
  347   , cOptsScanOptimization               :: Bool -- ^ Enable scan loop optimization
  348   , cOptsOffsetInstructionsOptimization :: Bool -- ^ Enable offset instructions optimization
  349   , cOptsVerbose                        :: Bool -- ^ Output more debugging information
  350   , cOptsSource                         :: FilePath -- ^ Input source to the compiler, this should be Brainfuck code
  351   } deriving (Show)
  353 optionsP :: Parser CompilerOptions
  354 optionsP =
  355   (\output disableAll fusion clear mul scan offset verbose source ->
  356      CompilerOptions
  357        { cOptsOut = output
  358        , cOptsFusionOptimization = not disableAll || fusion
  359        , cOptsClearLoopOptimization = not disableAll || clear
  360        , cOptsMulOptimization = not disableAll || mul
  361        , cOptsScanOptimization = not disableAll || scan
  362        , cOptsOffsetInstructionsOptimization = not disableAll || offset
  363        , cOptsVerbose = verbose
  364        , cOptsSource = source
  365        }) <$>
  366   optional
  367     (option
  368        str
  369        (long "output" <> short 'o' <> metavar "OUT" <>
  370         help "Compiled output path")) <*>
  371   switch
  372     (long "disable-all-optimizations" <> short 'd' <>
  373      help "Disable all optimizations") <*>
  374   switch
  375     (long "fusion" <>
  376      help
  377        "Reenable fusion optimization (turn multiple + or > into a single operation)") <*>
  378   switch
  379     (long "clear" <>
  380      help "Reenable clear loop optimization (turn [-] into a single operation)") <*>
  381   switch
  382     (long "mul" <>
  383      help
  384        "Reenable mul loop optimization (turn [->++>+++<<] into [Mul(1, 2) Mul(2,3)] Clear operations)") <*>
  385   switch
  386     (long "scan" <>
  387      help "Reenable scan loop optimization (turn [>] into ScanR operation)") <*>
  388   switch
  389     (long "offset" <>
  390      help
  391        "Reenable offset instructions optimization (turn >>+>->> into Inc 1 2, Inc (-1) 1, Move 1, Move 1, Move 1, Move 1, Move 1, operation)") <*>
  392   switch
  393     (long "verbose" <> short 'v' <> help "Output more debugging information") <*>
  394   argument str (metavar "SRC" <> help "Input source code file")
  396 options :: ParserInfo CompilerOptions
  397 options =
  398   info
  399     (optionsP <**> helper)
  400     (fullDesc <> progDesc "Compile Brainfuck code in SRC file" <>
  401      header "An optimizing Brainfuck compiler and evaluator")
  403 -- | Default compiler options: all optimizations, not verbose, no input or output files.
  404 defaultCompilerOptions :: CompilerOptions
  405 defaultCompilerOptions =
  406   CompilerOptions
  407     { cOptsOut = Nothing
  408     , cOptsFusionOptimization = True
  409     , cOptsClearLoopOptimization = True
  410     , cOptsMulOptimization = True
  411     , cOptsScanOptimization = True
  412     , cOptsOffsetInstructionsOptimization = True
  413     , cOptsVerbose = False
  414     , cOptsSource = ""
  415     }
  417 -- | Compiler options: all optimizations off.
  418 noOptimizationCompilerOptions :: CompilerOptions
  419 noOptimizationCompilerOptions =
  420   CompilerOptions
  421     { cOptsOut = Nothing
  422     , cOptsFusionOptimization = False
  423     , cOptsClearLoopOptimization = False
  424     , cOptsMulOptimization = False
  425     , cOptsScanOptimization = False
  426     , cOptsOffsetInstructionsOptimization = False
  427     , cOptsVerbose = False
  428     , cOptsSource = ""
  429     }
  431 -- | Parse a list of command line arguments
  432 parsePure :: [String] -> ParserResult CompilerOptions
  433 parsePure = execParserPure defaultPrefs options
  435 -- | Parse a list of command line arguments printing errors to the stderr
  436 unsafeParse :: [String] -> IO CompilerOptions
  437 unsafeParse = handleParseResult . parsePure
  439 -- | Parse command line arguments printing errors to the stderr
  440 parse :: IO CompilerOptions
  441 parse = getArgs >>= unsafeParse
  443 ----------------------- implementation details ----------------------
  444 -- * Implementation Detail: Parsing Lists of Instructions
  445 -- | This parser is used to implement the mul optimization. See 'mulOpt'.
  446 type ProgramParser a = Parsec.ParsecT [Op] () Identity a
  448 -- | Parse successfully if the token satisfies the predicate.
  449 satisfy' :: Show t => (t -> Bool) -> Parsec.ParsecT [t] () Identity t
  450 satisfy' predicate = Parsec.token showTok posFromTok testTok
  451   where
  452     showTok t = show t
  453     posFromTok _ = initialPos ""
  454     testTok t =
  455       if predicate t
  456         then Just t
  457         else Nothing
  459 -- | Parse movement to the right (\>), returning the offset value.
  460 --
  461 -- >>> Parsec.parse mrightP "" [Move 3]
  462 -- Right 3
  463 --
  464 -- >>> Data.Either.isLeft $ Parsec.parse mrightP "" [Move (-1)]
  465 -- True
  466 mrightP :: ProgramParser MemOffset
  467 mrightP =
  468   satisfy' isRight <&> \case
  469     Move n -> n
  470     _ -> undefined
  472 -- | Parsemovement to the left (\<), returning the offset value.
  473 --
  474 -- >>> Parsec.parse mleftP "" [Move (-3)]
  475 -- Right 3
  476 --
  477 -- >>> Data.Either.isLeft $ Parsec.parse mleftP "" [Move 1]
  478 -- True
  479 mleftP :: ProgramParser MemOffset
  480 mleftP =
  481   satisfy' isLeft <&> \case
  482     Move n -> (negate n)
  483     _ -> undefined
  485 -- | Parse increment, returning total increment.
  486 --
  487 -- >>> Parsec.parse plusP "" [Inc 3 0]
  488 -- Right 3
  489 --
  490 -- >>> Data.Either.isLeft $ Parsec.parse plusP "" [Inc (-2) 0]
  491 -- True
  492 plusP :: ProgramParser Int
  493 plusP =
  494   satisfy' isPlus <&> \case
  495     Inc n 0 -> n
  496     _ -> undefined
  498 -- | Parse decrement, returning total decrement.
  499 --
  500 -- >>> Parsec.parse minusP "" [Inc (-3) 0]
  501 -- Right 3
  502 --
  503 -- >>> Data.Either.isLeft $ Parsec.parse minusP "" [Inc 2 0]
  504 -- True
  505 minusP :: ProgramParser Int
  506 minusP =
  507   satisfy' isMinus <&> \case
  508     Inc n 0 -> (negate n)
  509     _ -> undefined
  511 -- | Sum the result of a parser applied repeatedly
  512 --
  513 -- >>> Parsec.parse (summedP plusP) "" [Inc 3 0, Inc 1 0, Inc (-4) 0]
  514 -- Right 4
  515 summedP :: Num n => ProgramParser n -> ProgramParser n
  516 summedP = fmap sum . Parsec.many1
  518 -- | Full multiple copy/multiply operation parser. Returns the set of factors and relative, incremental offsets.
  519 --
  520 -- >>> Parsec.parse mulP "" [Inc (-1) 0, Move 1, Inc 2 0, Move 3, Inc 1 0, Move (-4)]
  521 -- Right [(2,1),(1,3)]
  522 mulP :: ProgramParser [(MulFactor, MemOffset)]
  523 mulP = do
  524   _ <- minusP
  525   copies <- Parsec.many1 shiftFactorP
  526   let totalShift = sum $ map fst copies
  527   back <- summedP mleftP
  528   Parsec.eof
  529   if back == coerce totalShift
  530     then return (fmap swap copies)
  531     else Parsec.unexpected "number of left returns to close the loop"
  532   where
  533     shiftFactorP = (,) <$> summedP mrightP <*> fmap MulFactor (summedP plusP)
  535 -- | Is the instruction a right movement?
  536 isRight :: Op -> Bool
  537 isRight (Move n)
  538   | n > 0 = True
  539 isRight _ = False
  541 -- | Is the instruction a left movement?
  542 isLeft :: Op -> Bool
  543 isLeft (Move n)
  544   | n < 0 = True
  545 isLeft _ = False
  547 -- | Is the instruction an increment?
  548 isPlus :: Op -> Bool
  549 isPlus (Inc n 0)
  550   | n > 0 = True
  551 isPlus _ = False
  553 -- | Is the instruction a decrement?
  554 isMinus :: Op -> Bool
  555 isMinus (Inc n 0)
  556   | n < 0 = True
  557 isMinus _ = False